The Weird Kid

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Imez has a political opinion

Before the bridesmaid's dinner, or, drunken sex chat in Mexican restaurant, the bride was trying to remind us who Sarah, her only non-olden-days bridesmaid was. "Blond, pretty, lesbian? I mean, not wearing a sign on her chest or anything, but definitely a lesbian."

Sarah showed up last to the dinner, and was the only one not steeped in thick sick sweet Postum of a Seventh-Day-Adventist Idaho childhood. No matter. She was solid and pretty like a girl who loves horses, spoke with that Jodie Foster lilt I find so completely endearing. She sat right down and started in about Hillary verses Obama. I kept trying to talk about sex instead, cuz, come on, girls night. She deterred long enough from a Sarah Palin rant to efficiently list the ages of her virginity loss, to both genders, then returned to addressing her fears of Palin's RNP speech the night before. I really liked her.

Sarah was a table pounder, passionate, definitely belonged there in Washington DC. She works for a hated hated lobbying firm, the American Beverage something-or-other. Their job is to keep Americans drinking, at a low minimum wage, while enjoying lots of fatty foods. I fucking love that that firm exists. This is her talking about Lindsy Lohan on Fox News.

I will speak carefully and say I do not think she would like to stay at the American Beverage Something-or-other forever.

One day she will do something great, because the ability and burn to do so vibrates in every quick moment and solid step she takes.

This is the great thing she is doing now.

She has created this. I have reason to believe the people who read my blog would like to help her.

My husband's best friend at work makes less than him, even though she holds a higher position. It's because she has to pay for her wife's insurance, and Sean does not. They've been together as long as we have. Doesn't seem fair.

Click on the link, if it doesn't seem fair to you, either.
posted by Imez at 9:07 PM



I Love Imez!

November 11, 2008 at 10:48 PM  

I did, and I do. This is a civil-rights issue whose time has come to be fought. Thanks for sharing this, Imez!

November 12, 2008 at 8:42 AM  

Thanks from me, too! I'm on it!

November 12, 2008 at 11:25 AM  

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