The Weird Kid

Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm really sorry, Stitchosauras.

Today I kicked the dog. I told her to go outside and she instead tired to sneak off down the hall to the air conditioned bedroom. I screamed in this weird enraged cawing-bird voice (you do what I tell you! When I tell you to do something do it!!!!)and kicked her. She yelped, and I immediately felt like a total shit. She ran outside, curled up and started licking her tail.

For five seconds I was my dad or my brother or an angry 6 year old again bossing her imaginary friends around so she could have some power. What the hell? Pain finds tiny, sudden openings to crawl out of. And finds the easiest most helpless victim, that poor brown thrown-away mutt.

What a cowardly piece of shit to do that.

I will never kick the dog again.
posted by Imez at 4:17 PM


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