The Weird Kid

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Lets all take a little break from my tireless self involvement (and boy howdy do I have more!).


If the Catholic church has so much money, why does their TV network suck so bad? With the kind of money they have, they could beam the love of Jesus directly into people's brains. Instead their shows are beige people talking in front of potted plants. Unless...that's what they want me to think.

Also- I wonder if the current pope took a vow of poverty. Does it still apply when you are pope? Or maybe because you are the Vicar of Christ you can pretty much like like...well, a god. Actually, the pope probably owns like, four things, that are really his. I wonder how good his dinners are.

And one more thing. I think it may be unconstitutional to make kids pay taxes. They can't vote as to what is to be done with their money, so it is taxation without representation. Also, they can't serve on a jury (which is good, but still) so it is impossible for them to be judged by a jury of their peers. The suffergettes went to prison for protesting that kind of treatment. Can children legally own land?
posted by Imez at 9:43 PM


That's a lot to think about. Especially the Catholic TV situation. I mean, that is appalling! They should do some special effects! Make it a talk show and have God come on as a guest. That would totally sell.

September 17, 2008 at 7:32 AM  

Oh, Catholic television. I presented research at a convention last year at St. Francis University (which is a Catholic school) and most of the discussions revolved about their new method of web 2.0 efforts for "witnessing" (i'm not sure if that's what they call it, but that's what it is to me). It was a bit ridiculous. They had a priest who has a web/radio talk show deal. Weird. WEIRD.

I also produced (out of the kindness of my heart, not because i *wanted* to) a show called "God Talk." It was a Catholic man who wanted to air this show on the local PBS. It was an hour of him literally talking about God. In the most boring way ever. Ever. Like, monotone talking. Not preaching. Not stimulating discussion. Just him talking. Wow.

Anyway. sorry about all those parentheticals. And my ramblings.

September 17, 2008 at 8:51 AM  

Crap. Do kids have to pay taxes? Another thing I'm going to have to fork out money because of my SON for. Ugh.

September 17, 2008 at 10:11 PM  

miss- Oh now you're just blasphemous, you cheeky thing.

alyssa- Web 2.0 Witnessing. Christians are so cute when they try to be like people. And I have known that talking man. I have known him so many times.

Jill- They have to pay taxes on their income, like if they're 16 and have a job, or if they have an inheritence or something. But yeah, kids are a black whole of money. And time. And your very breathing spirit.


September 18, 2008 at 9:18 PM  

Holy cow-You are a wonderful thinker! I'm Catholic, so now I am especially curious about the answers...

How in the world did I fall upon your gem of a blog? I have no idea, but I'm glad I did :) Now please, pretty please, will you add a "Follow" button, cuz I would like you to have more exposure... :)

September 20, 2008 at 8:34 AM  

As I recall, at all my jobs (mall cleaner, drugstore clerk, school district tutor, berry picker, etc.) I paid taxes, but got it all back. So yeah, I missed out on $2.63 in interest, but I didn't actually miss any of my income. Not to thwart your interesting discussion, because I'm all for lowering the drinking age or raising the voting age and enlisting age. In fact, I think the voting age should be 31, the voting gender should be female and the voting town(s) should be the ones in which I choose to live. I'm going to run for Co-Chair of the World on that platform, actually.

Also, I would like to see children judged by a jury of their peers. It would be like Lord of the Flies.

September 20, 2008 at 8:54 PM  

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